Friday 8 February 2019

Kargil War and Takht-e-Sulaiman Peaks

Ever since Pakistan's military intervention in Kargil in 1999 and the ensuing diplomatic crisis with India, there is debate in Pakistan as to who is responsible for this crisis. PM Nawaz Sharif's view is that he was unaware and General Musharraf insists that the PM knew about it and that operation was a military success but perhaps a political and diplomatic failure. 

In short, Kargil has been made into a blame game between Gen Musharraf and PM Nawaz Sharif. The real pushers who relentlessly push everybody into doing something remain behind the scenes. 

These guys dont tell others the reason for their motivation and drive. The reasons can be completely outrageous like bringing in Pakistan's control the second Takht-e-Sulaiman which is near Srinagar. One Takht-e-Sulaiman (Solomon's Peak) is near DI Khan in Pakistan and these are the two solomon peaks in South Asia (others seem to be in Iran and Central Asia). 

It is a scared mountain which is revered by Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists alike. The hindus call it "Shankaracharya Hill" and they have built a temple on the top of it. This temple is protected by armed CFRP troops. The Mughal King Jehangir and his wife Noor Jehan are said to have climbed this hill together.

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