Monday 23 November 2015

Pakistan-Iran Petroleum Pipeline

A few thoughts on the Pakistan-Iran Gas Pipline.

During the previous years, there was talk of Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline. Several articles appeared in the national press regarding the impracticality and unfeasiblity of this project. I do not agree with such opinions and would try to explain the need for such a pipeline.

First of all, I was amazed to know that this gigantic project is only meant to transport natural gas to Pakistan from Iran. What about liquid petroleum products like diesel, petrol and kerosene? Tanks, aeroplanes, helicopters, trucks, vehicles, ships, submarines etc need diesel, petrol and kerosene. They do not run on gas.

Fuel is part of the military logistics and it directly affects the war waging or defence capability of a country. Its importance can be judged from many historical examples. Before the Normady Landings during Second World War (1939-1945), Allies had established oil pipelines across the English Channel to transport petroleum from UK to main Europe (France). This gigantic work was called Operation Pluto (Piplelines Under the Ocean).

Friday 20 November 2015

Theoretical and Experimental Science

From the reactions of readers, I feel that first of all I need to explain what experimental approach in science means. Some people start imagining it in the same light as doing medical experiments on mice, pigs or monkeys. Its not about that. Here by the experimental approach I mean practical or hands-on approach using tools, equipment, machinery etc (more of applied science).

Industrial application of science or say technology has never waited for a perfect scientific theory to explain its working. When the automobiles were made, it was thought that electricity flows from the positive terminal to the negative and all electrical wiring was designed with this wrong theory but it worked and till now the same wiring is being used. Now we know that electricity always flows from negative to positive terminal.

Monday 2 November 2015

Transfer of Technology (ToT)

Armed forces need to induct new weapon systems from time to time to keep up with the latest technology. Similarly, the civilian industry like railways etc need upgradation of its infrastructure to remain profitable or at least remain operational.

Sometimes, Transfer of Technology agreements are signed for the local production of civil engineering equipment or defence equipment.  ToTs done till now did not help us become self-sufficient because they were strictly production ToTs (not including design details).

ToT is not only the drawings of individual components or their assemblies, types of materials or alloys used, heat treatment and surface treatment details, quality certification criteria and manufacturing techniques.  Real ToT items are the details of engineering calculations for the design of individual elements. For example, we can study a case of ToT for an aircraft or a missile system (defence equipment) and some design details that are needed for such a project: