Monday 2 November 2015

Transfer of Technology (ToT)

Armed forces need to induct new weapon systems from time to time to keep up with the latest technology. Similarly, the civilian industry like railways etc need upgradation of its infrastructure to remain profitable or at least remain operational.

Sometimes, Transfer of Technology agreements are signed for the local production of civil engineering equipment or defence equipment.  ToTs done till now did not help us become self-sufficient because they were strictly production ToTs (not including design details).

ToT is not only the drawings of individual components or their assemblies, types of materials or alloys used, heat treatment and surface treatment details, quality certification criteria and manufacturing techniques.  Real ToT items are the details of engineering calculations for the design of individual elements. For example, we can study a case of ToT for an aircraft or a missile system (defence equipment) and some design details that are needed for such a project:

1-  Lift, drag, skin friction, shock wave formation at various angles of attack and speed combinations,

2-  Control surfaces calculation like required geometry, thickness and surface area of rudders, fins and their positioning on the body/fuselage; their effectiveness in presence of shock waves,

3-  Control scheme in subsonic and supersonic regimes,

4-  Structural design of main body like maximum bending stress and torsional strength,

5-  Selection of battery or power source for actuators and motors,

6-  Selection criteria of actuators and motors based on power needed for control surfaces,

7-  Variation of power needed by control surfaces with speed and turning angle,

8-  Nozzle design for smooth operation from sea level to high altitude,

9-  Propulsion motor with its grain design and thrust variation with time and altitude,

10-Warhead design, proximity fuse operation details and design,

11- Uplink and downlink with radars and other sensors,

12- Numerous other calculations of electrical, electronics and chemical engineering.

In each ToT, there must be two main parts. Design part and Production part.

In purchases without ToT, maintenance and repair agreements are generally made. But if design-cum-production ToT is carried out, the maintenance job would become very easy due to the thorough understanding of the product.

Lets consider a scenario where the design part is not included in ToT. Suppose a production-only ToT is done for a certain item (for a defence item or a washing machine or sewing machine). Production is started and certain quantity is made. Then after 10 years or even earlier the new model arrives in the market. The original item for which ToT was done becomes obsolete. The production-ToT owner agency or organization is not in a position to develop new item or evolve the current item because it does not have design details.

Then the agency or organization shall do a new ToT again? Its better not to do a ToT when one can't take the product further. Then its better just to buy some pieces directly. Its like locomotive factory near Risalpur. After making initial engines, they were not capable of improving the design and Pakistan Railways had to import locomotive engines. Pakistani and Indian Railway track gauge is different from most countries of the world and locomtives have to be tailor-made, which makes importation cost high.

 So R&D on understanding the current systems, improving the existing systems, designing new products and then bringing new ideas is the way to success. 

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